By Law Firm in Athens, Greece of George Sotiropoulos, Lawyer, Attorney at Law, Accredited to the Supreme Court of Athens Greece
Lawyer Greece Abduction Children
The Law Firm of George E. Sotiropoulos & Partners has been expertized in handling cases of International Abduction of Children by one of the Parents, in particular cases related either to Greece or Worldwide, in the event of these pertain to at least one of the disputants being a Greek Citizen or foreigner living abroad or in Greece, since the applicable law are of international nature, as all the relative International, European and National laws related to each specific case are applied, furthermore in a rapid pace due to the most urgent nature of such cases because of the abducted child legal status, maybe even occasinally of that of the lost child.
International kidnapping of children by parents is a most increasingly arising illegal practice among couples worldwide, which has led to a wide legislative reaction among the participating national legal orders, the aspects of which Lawyer in Athens, Greece George E. Sotiropoulos is personally significantly familiar with.